Subaru STI - 16648 km - Switch to synthetic oil

The dealership I go to recently closed the service shop they had in Coquitlam. They sent out a letter to it's customers and offered 2 free oil changes as well as free courtesy cars from their Vancouver location. I couldn't take advantage of the free car because I was on a short timeline but they did give me a discount on the synthetic oil. Overall, it cost me $52.60 for the switch to Castrol Syntec 5-30.
I'm really happy about the service from Don Docksteader. Over the years I've learned to lower my expectations at other dealerships, but I'm always pleasantly surprised that there aren't any new problems or concerns after picking up the car from them. They even give you a free "Don Docksteader Subuaru" labeled bottle of water when you're done. I'll have to remember to tell them not to wash the car afterwards, though. No one can wash the car to the level of my expectations. Good on them for not making any (permanent) scratches in the paint.

It might be a placebo effect, but the engine and shifting seems smoother after the new oil. I've read that if you change the engine oil in your car regularly, conventional oil will protect just as much as synthetic, but I figure that since I'm an "enthusiastic" driver any extra protection synthetic may provide would be a good investment.
Sounds like you would benefit from using a Synthetic Oil capable of extended drain intervals of 25.000 miles or more. Check out and learn what this tecnology can do for you. Greg