If you notice the date of this post, it's obvious that I'm several days behind and I apologize. We arrived in the Washington, DC area Friday night and have been busy with a number of things so I'm just now trying to catch up. The drive from Black River Falls to Fremont, Ohio (just east of Toledo) on Thursday was a long one because we made a couple of extra stops in Madison, WI and Chicago, IL. Also, reaching more populated areas meant the speed limits dropped and traffic increased. Oh, yeah, we also had to drive through a couple of thunder storms. Day's Summary: Black River Falls to Fremont, Ohio Total distance traveled: 881.2 km Estimated travel time (GPS): 7 hours, 44 min. Total elapsed driving time: 9 hours, 6 min. Average fuel consumption: 11.5 L/100 km Average speed: 97 km/h Highest observed outside temp: 28° C Number of confirmed V1 bogies: 3 Click below for more details of the day.... Our first big stop was to find a Circuit City store somewhere along our...