Welcome to the new Blogger!

I've completed the switch and I can say that I'm really happy with the new Blogger templates. You'll notice that I've made some changes:
  1. The large custom banner at the top is removed. I thought it just took up too much space.
  2. I've added R32Argent as a contributor to this blog (Behind the Wheel).
  3. There are more links on the side bar (Logbooks) to the information from my old web site. Some of that content is searched very often (like the VW Climatronic Codes and Dixie Air Horns) so I'll gradually migrate it over to the new site.
  4. In addition to my Blog Roll, I've also included a link to my del.icio.us bookmarks.
  5. Tags (Road Markers): I like this feature the best. It should make it easier to find specific information.


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