2007 GMC Yukon XL Denali - Hardwired V1 Radar Detector

I've had our Valentine1 Radar Detector for a long time now, ever since we bought Dixie, our 1999 Volkswagen Passat. The V1 has saved me numerous times from an expensive ticket. In fact, driving without its warning arrows makes me feel like I'm driving blind. I really appreciate using the hardwire kit to tap into the fuse box because moving it from vehicle to vehicle has been very easy. Almost 10 years later, the V1 recently moved into our 2007 GMC Yukon XL Denali. The picture at the top shows the lights all lit up, but normally, the main unit stays dark and all information is relayed to the hidden display.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a switched source in the Denali's driver-side fuse box. (It's a weird GMC thing that all accessories and outlets are powered even when the key is out.) I was too lazy to go looking for another source so I just kept it like that. I just have to remember to turn on the V1 when I'm going to do some spirited driving and off when I get out. Although, I've left it on plenty of times and haven't had a problem yet.


  1. Is it legal to use radardetectors in Canada? Here in the Netherlands it is not; police are using radardetectordetectors (not a joke :P) and fine everybody who uses such a device. Furthermore, they confiscate the device. It is however legal to use the warningsystem in your navigation device, because this is not based on detecting radar signals. In Switzerland, even this is illegal an I have heard numerous stories of people who were fined and had their navigation device confiscated because it had the option to activate warnings for radar locations. A friend of mine even had his device confiscated when it was turned off, lying in the centerconsole :S

  2. In many provinces of Canada it is not legal. But it is legal where I live. Even in the US, there are some states where radar detectors are illegal.

  3. well in my country radar detectors are illegal.

  4. That's interesting. Which country is that? I wonder if radar detectors are illegal in most parts of Europe?

  5. Thanks for finally writing about > "2007 GMC Yukon XL Denali - Hardwired V1 Radar Detector" < Loved it!

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