Vancouver isn't known for cold winters, but living just a block above the snow line gives us more of a chance to see the white stuff when other people just get wet. Today was the first of the season. It won't last (it never does) but maybe we'll get more when the next cold front arrives on Thursday. After breakfast, I took the kids out to the field and we played a little and had some fun. The snow was wet and sticky, but that's what's nice about being young: it doesn't take a lot to be satisfied. When we got back my wife had hot chocolate and warm soup waiting for us.
Yesterday I noticed that there looks to be salt residue on the

Sequoia from the earlier rains. Could I be near the end of the riding season? Tomorrow it's supposed to warm up, so I'd like to take the Burgman out again. I'll definitely need to give it a good cleaning before I park it for the winter.
In contrast, my sister-in-law is in warm, tropical Hawaii. She's getting married today. It's quite the coincidence that her wedding day is on the anniversary of when my wife and I met at UBC.
I live down south and we are still not cold mid way through November and I am thankful for that but I always wanted to see some snow so your are pretty lucky.