2006 Honda Odyssey Navigation Screen Hack
Honda Navigation splash screen hack Originally uploaded by istargazer . UPDATE: 2008 Honda Odyssey Navigation Screen Hack I received this information from Brian who was successful in completing this mod on his 2008 Odyssey: I was able to Hack my new '08 Odyssey Navi with help from your blog and other sources. I used the new DumpNavi " bysin.exe " http://guicide.com/cars/2006civic/nav/hacks/Bysin.zip instead of CEbin. The '08 has a couple other bmp files you have to modify to match your picture. I had to modify move and match these four files: Navi_Title.bmp Honda_emblem.bmp Opening1.bmp OpeningBase.bmp Just thought I'd leave that bit of information for anyone else trying with an '08. ORIGINAL POST FOLLOWS: I originally posted my success with modifying the startup splash screen on our 2006 Honda Odyssey navigation system here but I never actually put down all the steps in one place. Until now :0) My thanks go out to the people at OdyClub and AcruaZine wh...
I like the bottle opener.