Tokina AT-X Pro DX 12-24 mm F4 lens

After some careful research, I decided that a super-wide angle lens would be the next purchase for me (vs. a general purpose telephoto). The Tokina AT-X Pro DX 12-24 mm F4 lens ($500) is almost half the price of the similar wide-angle Nikon ($900) and has gotten good reviews on it's performance. Being strictly a beginner hobbyist, I thought it was a great choice.

New Toys (from Chicago and DC)
I've had a couple of days now to try it out and learn about it's advantages and disadvantages....

...which I'll post more details about in another post--sorry for the tease!

On Monday we went to the National Zoo and I found the wide-angle lens to be very unsuited for the situation. And I got only a couple of acceptable pictures from that day. Here's one of my favorites:

Two and Four at the National Zoo

The biggest advantage of the wide-angle lens is that it allows me to get the entire shot I want without have to step back so far away.

Yesterday we went to see the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial and I was much happier with my results. I post more of the them later, but here's one on our way to the Foggy Bottom Metro station:


Today we're doing the tourist in DC thing again and we're heading out the door right now--see ya!


  1. Nice pictures.

    Wasn't the zoo on Monday?

  2. Thanks. Nope, Monday was Sport Honda and the National Mall.

  3. Eh? I could have sworn it was Monday-zoo, Tue. Sport Honda-Mall, Wed.- Natural History Museum?


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